Tuesday, January 22, 2013


One of my favorite phrases in Scripture is James' "faith without action is dead". It reminds me that the proper response to God's promises requires more than an intellectual or emotional acceptance- it many times requires volitional action. I have heard it said that belief isn't enough, we need to believe so much we become convinced, and we need to become so convinced that we are convicted, and then conviction always leads to action...

I truly believe God has a broader vision for Monterey Church than what we are experiencing, I am becoming convinced that he will establish our work here in Monterey, in Northern Virginia and in Bolivia.  I am so convinced that I am under conviction to speak such vision to our Body and to lead through the example of action, to be sure we are ready...

Does action mean we are responsible for the results? No way. We cannot do it, but what we can do is prepare to seize the moment when God does move... 

Joseph saw 7 years of abundance as a promise from God, he was convinced, he was so convinced he was convicted, and his conviction led to the action of building a huge containers in all of the cities around Egypt to capture the promise... What a fool he would have been if God hadn't moved, what a wise man he was because God did... This is real faith! Willing to look silly like Joseph, Noah, Elijah and just about anyone else whom God convinced of anything...

I sure hope I'm right...

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